22 April 2011

Stories from 22 April 2011

Twitter Spambots: An Emerging Tactic for Silencing Speech

22 April 2011

On April 18, Anas Qtiesh wrote about spambots targeting the #Syria hashtag in an effort to drown out speech calling for, or reporting on, protests.  While this specific case has received an abundance of attention, on Al Jazeera, Fast Company, and elsewhere, it is representative of a larger problem on...

The US government forcing twitter to hand over personal data on its users.

  22 April 2011

Adapted from a RWB article. The US Department of Justice is so determined to prosecute WikiLeaks and its leading supporters. “After exerting pressure on Paypal, Visa, MasterCard and Amazon, the US government is now stepping up its harassment of WikiLeaks and its supporters,” Reporters Without Borders said. “The federal government...