Anonymous Blogging with WordPress & Tor Updated!

I’m pleased to announce that the third update to the Anonymous Blogging guide with WordPress & Tor is now available online! An early draft of this guide was written by Ethan Zuckerman on April 13, 2005 and updated on October 1, 2006. On August 8, 2007 Global Voices Advocacy published an updated HTML version of the guide, along with a downloadable PDF file.

The guide outlines several methods of protecting one’s identity in order to avoid retaliation and can considerably reduce the risks that a blogger’s identity will be linked to his or her online writings through technical means.

In order to provide you with the most up to date information on how to blog anonymously, the guide has been updated once again so that all the tips are compatible with Tor’s recent updates.

This update introduces the Tor Browser Bundle, an open source version of a portable browser developed by Tor Project, that lets you use Tor with zero install. Tor Browser is a great pre-configured Tor bundle with self contained Mozilla Firefox browser for USB drives or any other portable media (SD Card, Hard Drives, Compact Flash Card).

If you’re going to pursue your blogging activities primarily from shared computers (like cybercafe computers) or if you’re unable to install software on a computer, please follow the steps on how to run Tor Browser Bundle without needing to install any software.

The update includes tips on how to acquire the Tor bundle if your internet connection blocks access to the Tor website. It also includes tips on what to do if you encounter problems connecting to the Tor network.

Please link to it, download it and help disseminate this important information. Feel free as well to help us translating the guide into your own language.

For further information please contact us at: advocacy [ at ] globalvoicesonline [ dot ] org

1 comment

  • All the members of the court are considered as wounded, where justice is found wounded with inequity, and judges do not extract the dart of inequity from justice or remove its blot and destroy inequity, in other words where the innocent are not respected and the criminal are not punished.
    A virtuous and just person should never enter a court and when he does so, he should speak the truth; he who holds his tongue on seeing injustice done, or speaks contrary to truth and justice, is the greatest sinner .
    Justice destroyed, destroys its destroyer; and justice preserved, preserves its preserver. Hence, never destroy justice , lest being destroyed, it should destroy three.
    In this world justice or righteousness alone is man’s friend that goes with him after death. All other things or companions part on the destruction of the body and he is detached from all company. But the company of justice is never cut off.
    When injustice is done in the government court out of partiality, it is divided into four parts of which one is shared by the criminal or doer of injustice , the second by the witness, the third by the judges, and the fourth by the president king of an unjust court.
    Legal justice , with a humane mission, must update itself to legitimise progressive urges, discern the reality of social changes and design its delivery system, so as to obviate the dominance of the Proletariat by the Proprietariat and accelerate people’s access to effective., litigative justice. The contemporary command of social justice, which is also the socio-economic demand of the common people, is that the prevalent forensic astigmatism shall be corrected by sloughing off archaic, arcane authoritarian procedures which often spawn the paradox of a wealth of abuses and a poverty of access vis-à-vis institutions of legal justice.

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